VONA Continues Growth in Georgia

VONA Case Management, Inc. would like to introduce the newest addition to our team in the state of Georgia!

Chayna Weinstein – MS, CRC, CCM, CEAS – joins VONA in the Atlanta, Georgia area and will cover all surrounding areas of the state. Chayna brings almost 30 years of workers’ compensation experience with her to VONA and helps add depth to a growing state.

Welcome aboard Chayna!

Are you a TPA, self-insured employer, or insurance company looking for a case management company that focuses on results? 

Are you a driven professional looking to join an amazing culture? 

Call VONA today (251) 259-4601 or email us at askvona@vonacm.com.

Current case manager openings:

  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Miami, Florida

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